…Asia Practice LLC has a deep commitment to the banking and finance space, including structured trade finance, bilateral and syndicated loans, acquisition finance and real estate finance. The oil and gas sector is a particular forte of the team, which has impressed in cross-border and offshore deals. It has close connections to local, regional and international banks that have a presence in Singapore. Lee Chien Herr, Jonathan Tan and Leon Low are prominent names…
...The team is able to respond to our request very quickly and propose feasible solutions. They are also very easy to contact and this helps immensely for deal closures. They also are able to help us with foreign law issues via their offshore affiliates and contacts…
…Jonathan Tan is very approachable and always able to give good recommendations and solutions…
Banking and Finance (Local Firms)
…At Asia Practice LLC, Lee Chien Herr and Jonathan Tan frequently advise on all aspects of cross-border ship financing, restructuring transactions, work-outs as well as enforcement scenarios. Senior director Leon Low is the other figure to note for trade and commodities finance, ship sales and restructuring transactions…
Shipping (Local Firms)